Fractal Geometry, Fibonacci Numbers, Golden Ratios, And Pascal Triangles as Designs


  • Retnaningsih Retnaningsih Politeknik Statistika STIS Author



fractal geometry, gold ratio, Fibonacci


Fractal geometry is a part of mathematics that discusses the shape of fractals or any form that is self-similarity. A fractal can be broken down into parts that are all similar to the original fractal. Fractals have infinite detail and can have self-similar structures at different magnifications. In many cases, a fractal can be generated by repeating a pattern, which is usually in a recursive or iterative process.

In mathematics and art, two values are considered to be a golden ratio relationship if the ratio between the sum of the two values to the large value is equal to the ratio between the large value to the small value. A Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers that has a unique shape. The first term of this sequence of numbers is 1, then the second term is also 1, then for the third term it is determined by adding the two previous terms so that a sequence of numbers with a certain pattern is obtained. Pascal's triangle is a geometric rule of binomial coefficients in a triangle.

Shapes that resemble fractal geometry, golden ratios and Fibonacci numbers are found in many places in this realm, for example the shapes of various plants, animals, as well as in humans themselves, even the universe. This fractal geometry can also be used to design batik motif creations, architectural design or musical art.

This paper describes how a fractal object can be made with geometric transformations that can be used to develop batik motif creations. And also look at the relationship between fractal geometry, the golden ratio, Fibonacci numbers, and Pascal's triangles and the shapes of these shapes that exist in this nature.


