Geological Assessment for The Construction of an Underground Railway in Bali


  • Jatmika Setiawan Geological Engineering Deparment, Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta Author
  • A. Panji Prasetyo Geological Engineering Deparment, Faculty of Mineral Technology, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta Author
  • Nuli Hapsari PT. Indotech Jakarta Author



subsurface railway line, tourism, construction


The Surface Geological Study for the Feasibility of Subsurface LRT Development in Bali was carried out as a preliminary study to determine rock types, stratigraphy, rock strength and depth of subsurface railway tunnels in Bali. The method used is collecting primary data through selected trajectories to determine the rocks found by making profiles and collecting detailed data at each point, including geological structure data. This detailed surface geology data will be used to determine drilling points to determine a detailed geological profile at each point. The expected results from this surface geological assessment and drilling will be used to create geological correlations and determine the depth of tunnels for prospective subsurface railway construction in Bali. This study will help determine whether to construct a prospective subsurface railway line in Bali properly and safely. Hopefully the construction of the subsurface railway line in Bali, which will start in early 2024, will be completed quickly and will reduce busy traffic on the surface. This will make tourists and Balinese residents in general comfortable.


