Peace in Civil Disputes After the Inkracht Ruling: A Progressive Legal Theory Approach


  • Pitriani Pitriani Faculty of Syariah, IAIN Kerinci, Jambi, Indonesia Author



Peace, Civil Cases, Inkracht Decisions, Progressive Legal Theory


The problem of land ownership disputes is an unresolved problem, even increasing with the increase in population. Resolving land disputes through the court (litigation) is considered not fully effective in dealing with land problems in Indonesia. Therefore, a study was conducted with an analytical descriptive approach using a normative juridical approach. This research includes the collection of secondary data through literature research. The application of Progressive Legal Theory to the peace of the parties in a land dispute after the Inkracht ruling could be a relevant approach. Progressive Law Theory emphasizes the importance of prioritizing justice, peace, and human happiness in the context of law. The application of Progressive Legal Theory in the context of land disputes after the Inkracht ruling will involve collaborative efforts from all parties involved, including judges, advocates. Its main goal is to achieve peace, justice, and happiness.


