Global Health Disparities : Addressing Inequities in Acces to Healthcare Services


  • Nova Winda Setiati Universitas Bhakti Husada, Kuningan, Indonesia Author
  • Ajmain Universitas Sains Cut Nyak Dhien, Indonesia Author
  • T.Khairol Razi Universitas Sains Cut Nyak Dhien, Indonesia Author



Global health disparities, Access to Health Services, Social Injustice, Universal Health Policy


Global health disparities remain a major challenge in efforts to achieve equitable access to health services. This article aims to analyze inequalities in access to health services in different countries and identify the factors that exacerbate these inequalities. This study uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach, which includes analysis of various scientific literature, reports of international health organizations, and related policy documents. The results show that inequality in access to health services is influenced by various factors, including economic conditions, social structure, geographical location, and uneven health policies. Low- and middle-income countries suffer the most from limited health infrastructure, a shortage of medical personnel, and unaffordable health care costs. In addition, discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, and social status also exacerbates inequities in health services. This article emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to addressing these inequalities, through strengthening universal health policies, equitable resource allocation, and global collaboration. The conclusions of this study underscore the urgency of transforming global health systems to ensure equal access to quality health services for all populations, without exception.


