The Effect of Online Learning Platforms, Inclusive Education Practices, and Teacher Professional Development on Student Achievement
This study explores the effect of online learning platforms, inclusive education practices, and teacher professional development on student achievement. The primary objective is to qualitatively analyze the literature to understand how these educational strategies contribute to enhancing student performance. The research employs a qualitative literature review methodology, synthesizing findings from academic articles, industry reports, case studies, and empirical studies to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge in this field.
The literature review methodology involves systematically collecting and analyzing scholarly sources that discuss various aspects of online learning platforms, inclusive education practices, and teacher professional development. The study categorizes the literature into key themes, such as the effectiveness of online learning platforms in providing flexible and accessible education, the role of inclusive education practices in fostering a supportive learning environment, and the impact of continuous teacher professional development on teaching quality and student outcomes. Thematic analysis is used to identify patterns and trends in how these strategies influence student achievement.
The findings indicate that online learning platforms, when effectively utilized, offer personalized and flexible learning experiences that can enhance student engagement and achievement. Inclusive education practices, such as differentiated instruction and support for diverse learning needs, create a more equitable and supportive environment that benefits all students. Teacher professional development is shown to be critical for improving instructional quality, keeping educators updated with the latest teaching methods, and ultimately boosting student performance.
Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Hadiana, Rr. Dina Kusuma Wardhani, Umil Muhsinin, Mursyidi Mursyidi, Husni Mubarok (Author)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.