Protection with Legal Certainty for MSME Actors in Belitung Regency in Welcoming Indonesia’s Golden Era
Legal Protection, Legal Certainty, MSME, Belitung Regency, Indonesia’s Golden EraAbstract
The purpose of this research is to provide solutions related to regulations on changes in the legal culture of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Belitung Regency. The research method is normative juridical. This study is descriptive-analytical, with data collection through direct interviews with relevant agencies and MSME actors in Belitung Regency as the primary sources. Secondary data is obtained from literature studies and documentation, which include legal theories, legal principles, previous research, regulations, literature, and other scientific works. The legal materials used include the Belitung Regency Local Regulation No. 5/2022 as primary law, doctrines from books and legal journals as secondary materials, and legal dictionaries as tertiary materials. The condition of Belitung Regency, which lacks shopping malls, has impacted the growth and empowerment of MSMEs. In supporting the performance of the relevant agencies, the legal foundation used is the Local Regulation No. 5/2022, which aims to provide protection, ease, and empowerment for MSMEs. The behavioral values of MSMEs raise issues in the areas of competitiveness, collaboration, limited digital literacy, and production quantity and standards. Changes in the culture of MSME behavior have an impact on the shifting of regulations that can provide legal certainty in protecting and empowering MSMEs. Since the aforementioned regulation is only capable of providing legal certainty but is weak in offering protection, the legal void needs to be addressed by discovering creative economy law that aligns with the vision and mission of the Long-Term Development Plan (RPJP) for Indonesia’s Golden Era and the Medium-Term Regional Development Plan (RPJMD) of Belitung Regency, with a focus on the tourism sector. A key supporter of the tourism sector is the creative economy, and the subsectors of culinary, crafts, and fashion contribute the largest share to the Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) of Belitung Regency.
Copyright (c) 2024 Stephanie Priscilla Darmawan, Ariawan Gunadi (Author)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.