Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills Through Collaborative Learning in Modern Educational Practices


  • Ventje Jany Kalukar Universitas Mulawarman Author
  • Andrianus Krobo Universitas Cenderawasih Author
  • Marcus Frets. Pessireron Politeknik Negeri Ambon Author
  • Suhendra Suhendra Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tabgha Batam Author
  • Satria Yudistira Yayasan Abhipraya Insan Cendekia Indonesia Author




Critical thinking skills are one of the important elements in modern education to prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century. However, traditional approaches that are still dominant in the learning process often fail to encourage the development of these skills optimally. This study aims to explore the effectiveness of collaborative learning in improving students' critical thinking skills. The method used is a literature study with thematic analysis of various relevant academic articles and reports published in the last five years. The results of the study show that collaborative learning provides an interactive environment where students can discuss, share ideas, and provide feedback to each other. These collaborative activities not only improve students' analytical abilities but also strengthen communication and teamwork skills. In addition, the integration of technology in collaborative learning, such as the use of digital platforms for online discussions, further expands the potential for the development of critical thinking skills. Despite facing challenges, such as lack of teacher training and access to technology, the study concludes that collaborative learning is an effective approach in building students' critical skills in a variety of educational contexts.


